Monday 19 October 2009

So long, farewell, and so forth

One of the recommended pastimes for a wannabe hack writer is to read widely. I've read newspapers, I've read magazines. I've read blogs by people I know and blogs by complete strangers. I've read cereal packets and adverts on bus shelters. I'm trying to read two books simultaneously, one at home and one at work. They're both archaeology so at some point I am going to get seriously confused and put Culloden down as one of the major battles of World War One. And what has all this reading taught me? That I have nothing to say. I can't comment intellligently on topical issues ( or on books ( I can't write commercially; a sheaf of rejection slips attest to that. As a embryonic hack, the realisation that I'm just not able to cut it is a hard one, but at least, agents aside, I've not wasted anyone's time but my own. So for now I'm laying this blog aside until I've got something to say and the means to say it well. Thanks for sticking with it so far, and adieu.