Sunday 25 April 2010

Fleeting appearance

Some of the things I've learnt in my sabbatical:

1. Be careful what you wish for.

Virginia Woolf said that for a woman to write she needed money and a room of her own. Having neither, I had a ready-made excuse not to write. Now I have a small desk in the spare room with the laptop upon it. Theoretically, this is an improvement on sitting on the floor with the laptop on my knees. In practice, there is so much junk in this room that the impact of my fingers on the keys makes the adjacent tottering miscellany wobble alarmingly and I cannot get my knees under the desk. The folding chair is too low for comfort so I am sitting on a cushion. A hundred and twenty-six words into this, I have twinges in my shoulder muscles that are advising me to give up.

2. The worst limitations are those we place on ourselves.

When I bought the Folly last year, friends and family were delighted. "It's freedom!" they said. "You'll be able to drive yourself to all sorts of places. You'll love it." The Folly sits outside, admonishing me fiercely about the lack of miles on the clock. It needs a clean. It needs exercise. It also needs a little paint work on the bumper after I bounced it gently off a protruding brick wall last week.

I quite enjoy driving. I loathe owning a car. It's a nice car. It goes vroom and it's a fair sight more comfortable to sit in than hunching over this desk on this chair. But it's a millstone. I might hurt someone with it. I might cause an accident. And if I hadn't bought it I'd have a little more money each month that I could put towards my escape fund.Having a car hasn't given me freedom because the biggest restrictions on my life are those I've made for myself. Given the choice between a day out pootling around country lanes with Black Box Recorder in the CD player or skulking indoors binning my undergrad notes, I'll take the latter every time. I must deal with the impedimenta of a life lived cautiously, finally reading then recycling the years-old magazines I bought then hung onto in the hope that I'd get round to reading them eventually, shredding the letters from friends I never hear from now. I've got into the habit of Being Good, which is less about disposing of sentimentally hoarded memorabilia than feeling terrible guilt at the lack of anything to show for the last twelve years of my life. The cheerful face in the student photos is not the one that looms pallidly in the mirror. I have become mentally incapable of having fun, which makes for dreary blog posts and drearier company.

3. Occasionally, I get things round the right way.

Boucing gently off a brick wall at under 5 mph was silly. Not colliding in any way with the loose horse in the road was not. Given the choice of first prang, I know I got it right. And there are worse ways to spend a sunny spring evening than teaming up with two coppers, two passers –by and a dog to persuade said horse back into its field instead of heading for the dual carriageway.

4. Some things do not improve with time.

Reading back this drivel, I see that the break has not sharpened my pen or loosened the block. I still have nothing of interest to say, just self-absorbed maunderings. And so I shall stop again. Ta ta.


Ann said...

Delighted to see you are back. Missed you. Do hope this is not a fleeting visit! Glad you missed the horse!

Nedine Says said...

I first stumbled upon your blog by virtue of the name itself.I think it must have been in someone's "favorites" list. I emvisioned a Miss Marple-y lady in a tweed suit sipping tea from a china cup. I think you probably have a lot to say but maybe edit yourself too much. I think we all have things to say that others can relate to and speaking for myself,I find it therapeutic to see that we are all in this together and we can learn a lot from each other. It doesn't have to be anything terribly profound.I hope you continue.

Old Kitty said...

Hello there!!!

I am so glad you are as irascible as ever! Reality versus fantasy is never a contest, I find (that sentence was backward!). Reality has a habit of winning hands down taking no prisoners but look at that lovely horse you helped!

And you have a laptop!! That works! I think that's great!!!!

Now I shall stop being so cheerful and go away! LOL!

But not for too long I hope.

Take care

Parish Spinster said...

Thank you all. In typically contrary fashion, having decided to give up again, I've had a burning need to rant which I have just vented in a new post. I'd be delighted to read your thoughts on it.

Thanks for sticking with me. :-)